Interview: Michael John Carley

Today, Neurodiversity News has interviewed Michael John Carley, who is the founder of GRASP (Global and Regional Asperger Syndrome Partnership). Neurodiversity News: Tell me about yourself and what you do. Michael John Carley: For 20 hours a week, I’m the Consultant for Disability Inclusive Culture at NYU, and in my other hours I consult for …

Interview: William Davenport

Today, we are interviewing William Davenport, who is an ally of the Autistic community and a documentary filmmaker, with one of his notable films being Citizen Autistic. Neurodiversity News: Tell me about yourself and what you do. William Davenport: I am a documentary filmmaker, teacher, musician, and autism/political activist. I run an organization called Autism …

Interview: Barry Prizant

Today, We have interviewed Barry Prizant, PhD., who is the author of Uniquely Human: A Different Way of Seeing Autism, and is one of the Neurodiversity Movement’s greatest allies. Neurodiversity News: Tell me about yourself and what you do. Barry Prizant: In 1969, I began working in residential summer camps for children and adults with …

Interview: Quinn Dexter

Today, we have interviewed Quinn Dexter, who is a YouTuber that runs the channel, Autistamatic, which is a great resource for learning about the autistic experience for both autistics and non-autistics alike. Neurodiversity News: Tell me about yourself and what you do. Quinn Dexter: I’m 50 years old and have an unquenchable thirst for tea …

Interview: JayJay Mudridge

Content Warning: ABA, sexual assault   Today on Neurodiversity News, we have interviewed JayJay Mudridge, who runs the page, Not Another Autistic Advocate. They are also an Applied Behavioral Analysis (ABA) survivor, and recounts their experiences with us. Neurodiversity News: Tell me about yourself and what you do. JayJay Mudridge: My name is JayJay Mudridge. …

Disability Union ‘will build power and a national voice for disabled people’

A new independent user-led organization – modeled on a trade union – is hoping to provide disabled people with a collective voice powerful enough to influence policy at a national level, while also offering them solutions to their disability-related problems. The Disability Union, which launches officially on Monday, will concentrate at first on providing a …

The Disabled Community Doesn’t Want Your Pity

The Muscular Dystrophy Association is bringing back its signature event: the Jerry Lewis MDA Telethon. Running from 1954 to 2014, the show, which could last as long as 23.5 hours, defined the genre. Crying mothers and disabled children were trotted out along with a variety of entertainers and celebrities to convince an audience of millions …