‘Nothing About Us Without Us’: 16 Moments in the Fight for Disability Rights

Two elderly men and an elderly woman with blue shirts in wheelchairs next to an American flag. Photo from New York Times

As with every other civil rights movement, the fight for disability rights is one that challenges negative attitudes and pushes back against oppression. But it is also more complex.

Often the movement has diverged into a constellation of single-issue groups that raise awareness of specific disabilities. It has also converged into cross-disability coalitions that increasingly include intersections of race, gender and sexual orientation.

Regardless, the prevailing demands of the movement are the same: justice, equal opportunities and reasonable accommodations.


Source: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/07/22/us/ada-disabilities-act-history.html?fbclid=IwAR0Y6QnN-2JctW9whHUCCjPcxVlWALA8qhnhr_io-HXS7UudiJyL_I7BhzU